Are You Working on Tomorrows Profits?

Sometimes it can feel as all your work is not making any difference in your business. Especially if you do not have a real goal and plan for your business and know how to achieve them.

Time management can also be an issue. You spend too much time on things that doesn’t make you any money.

Social networking with a goal
Social networking on Twitter etc is all good and is actually encouraged but is it making you money? There are various ways to use twitter but if you find you are tweeting more than you are working on your business then perhaps it is time to take a break.

Your goal doesn’t need to be money, it can be to increase your email subscribers, get a potential client to check out one of your products, make contacts and much more.

Stay on track and do not let the talking take too much time if it isn’t actually bringing you closer to your goal.

How to make sure you are working on tomorrows profit
Every business has different needs. Right now maybe you need to increase your social media networking, or perhaps you need to do some link building. What you need to do is recognize your most important current needs. Not what you think you should be doing. Do some regular evaluation where you are with your business and plan according to that. Time is scarce – make the most of it!

Imagine that something you do today would have a huge effect on your business tomorrow. What would that be? Is there anything you know you should be doing but you are not doing?

Most importantly:
What are you doing today that will bring you profit tomorrow?

Are you spending your time the right way or do you think you can improve? How do you evaluate what is time wells pent and what is not?

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