Conscious Decisions – A Vital Part of Your Business Success

What is a decision?

A decision is an act that has the power to change your life.

Whenever we have to make a decision about something we think about the immediate consequences that particular decision will have on our life. Our minds can be quite limited to see the endless possibilities that comes with decision making. There is always more than meet the eye and often our decisions will have a much bigger impact than we initially thought.

What do we base our decisions on?
As human beings we are influenced by feelings, logic, other people and their opions, our fears and a wished outcome. We don’t have the power to see the actual outcome and maybe that is for the best.

Should we base our decisions on the above? We should base them on the outcome we want to achieve – the dream we have and how much closer our decisions will bring us towards our goals.

How to make sure you make the right decision
Whenever you have made the right decision you will feel it. If your heart is calm and you feel good about what you have done you have most probably made a good decision. However when it comes to business you also need to make sure it is actually a wise decision for your business.

  • What do you want to achieve? Is it a smart – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely goal?
  • Will you be able to do it yourself? Don’t try and be “super” at everything you do – by making the most of other peoples skills you can actually get things done better than if you would have done it yourself. Worth to remember.
  • Put all feelings of fear and discomfort aside. Fear paralyze us and instead of doing we are worrying about what will happen. Don’t let that happen, it may be a bit uncomfortable at first but once you do it you will feel so good for doing it.
  • Is it aligned with your life values? Don’t ever do anything that is not aligned with what you believe in.
  • Will it distract you from what should be your focus? There are so many opportunities presented to us that we want to do everything at the same time. What is your focus right now and is this the right time for something new?

You have the power to decide how your life will be. You can change circumstances more than you imagine,  you make the world you live in and what you decide to do in it is up to you. Don’t regret the things that never were but think about the things you actually can change. What decision can you take today that will change the way you live for the better?

Are you making conscious decisions in your business or is this an area where you need to improve? I’d love to hear your thoughts so leave a comment below!

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