Life and Business- Is This It?

I’ve always been very curious. Not curious as in what other people do but what life has in store for me ahead. What is going to happen, what has happened and how I will feel as a person.

Life’s been rough on me and many times I’ve had to force myself to hold my head above the water but I have never resisted. And that is where I get my power from. I’m a great encourager and motivator to others just because I know the feeling of being alone and the feeling of having the whole world on your shoulders. I can motivate people to do things they never imagined but I’ve only once met one person to make me feel like I can do anything. That the plans and dreams I have for my business are possible. That I can make it.

We are extremely limited in our minds many times and can miss a simple solution to our problems because we bury ourselves too deep and think there is no end to the pain. Frustration, anger and sadness fills us and we start to wonder if there is really a way to get out of the “mess” we somehow got ourselves in.

But life is so much more than this – life is happiness, joy, laughter and full of possibilities. Can you see it?

Can you see where you will be with your business in a month? In a year? In five years? Most can’t, fear and doubt get the best of us and it can be hard to visualize. But what we can do is feel. If we close our eyes we can imagine what we want to feel a year from here. Feelings like; satisfaction, happiness, fulfillment, respect, love and peace in our hearts. The feeling of knowing we have done something good.

You probably want to change peoples lives with your business – go for it! If you are struggling today know that life is much more than what you see right now. And if you feel you are steadily on your way tot he top – keep going. There will be rain sometimes but the sun will soon shine again.

There is no easy shot for pain or success – but you will be OK and so will your business.

Thanks to Kathleen Gage for inspiration and to the best rocking motivator Naomi!

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1 thought on “Life and Business- Is This It?”

  1. Thanks for the inspiration. I work for a company called Signature Filing where we help people get started on filing paperwork for their small business. We see a lot of people who are stressed and confused and I know that these words of inspiration are definitely helpful to these people during this exciting, although sometimes overwhelming, process!

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