Have You Outgrown Your Business?

Have You Outgrown Your Business- lindahdasilva.comWhen you start your business you think it will never change, you can’t imagine going a different direction than from where you are now.  But things change and so will your business. As you fine tune your message and what you want to tell the world you will see that change is unavoidable.  Some how or the other most business owners change, for the better.

Change is good, if it doesn’t come too often.  If you  keep changing your business and message every other week then you need to sit down and really think about what you want with your life and business. There is nothing wrong in change but changing too frequently can confuse your followers and they can start to wonder what you are doing with your business.

So When Is It Time For A Change?

When you discover that your original market has changed or you have changed then that can be a sign that it is time to switch direction. You need to feel that you are connected with your market and if you don’t feel it then you are not being true to yourself or your market.

3 Questions that will help you see if you are in need of a change;

  • Is my target market still the same or has it changed?
  • Am I still passionate about what I teach?
  • Do I want to do this two years from now?

Your target market can change and so can you. Opinions and mindsets change all the time. Your market may grow and need different things from what you currently offer. You need to see if there is still a demand for your services and what you offer.

Are you still passionate about what you teach? Do still find it exciting when someone wants to talk to you about your topic or do you sigh and wish you didn’t have to? If you find you’d rather go hide somewhere then it’s probably a good sign it is time for a change.

Can you see yourself doing this two years from now? Two years may seem like a short time but a lot of changes will happen in only two years. If the answer is yes, then think about 5 years, 7, 10. Take your time to think about this, don’t just say yes. Feel it, think through how it will be, will it be the same thing as now or what do you want to change.

Tweaking and Changing Directions

If you realize you are not where you want to be with your business and decide it is time for a change .  This may involve a whole lot of things such as changing business name, domain etc. But if you have thought it through and are sure about the change then it will be worth it.

Talk to someone about the changes you want to make, additional advice is always good. Many times we don’t see a lot of the options that are available to us. Find someone who has gone through the changes you want to do and talk to them about what they did and how.  Just by talking to someone you can cut a lot of wasted time in half and concentrate on what is important.

Have you gone through changes with your business? How did it affect you? Anything you wish you had done differently? Leave your thoughts/advice in the comments!


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