Is Your Confidence Deceiving You?

Is Your Confidence Deceiving You? Is it causing you to believe what is not true?

How confident are you when it comes to making business decisions? How confident are you that your decision is the right one and the outcome will be one you desired?

Lacking confidence can be hazardous for your online business. You need to believe in yourself and your business. Afterall, if it wasn’t for you there wouldn’t be a business. You are your business.

There are two things that normally stops us from doing something. One is the question: “Can I do this?”
and the other thing is called delaying a necessary action.

First we procrastinate because we aren’t sure we can do it and then we start telling our selves that now isn’t the right time.  We have to wait a little until _______your reason here__________ (I have enough of this or that or this happens or I do that..)

Are you going to let your confidence stopping you from growing your business?

Here is a short but very powerful statement I heard the other day:

If not Me, then Who? If not Now, then When?

Take a moment to reflect on that. Every time your confidence starts deceiving you that you can’t do something or should wait a little, remind yourself of that statement. However, don’t jump right into opportunities, now might not be the right time. Think through what you want the results to be and if you are delaying the action this very moment because your lack of confidence.

If not You, then who? If not Now, then when?

Improving your self confidence to take action in your business

  • Think about the root of your fears. Is it fear of being rejected, humiliated, laughed at, achieveing success, gaining responsibility or something else?
  • Think thorugh how you can deal with certain situations and if necessary create a system that helps you deal with it.
  • Get an accountability partner to support you. Join a mastermind group.
  • Take classes on speaking in front of a public if that will help you.
  • Take a class on posture and etiquette if that will be beneficial for you.
  • Get a personal shopper to help you choose the right clothes for you if you aren’t sure your clthing is good enough for public meetings.
  • Go to a therapist and discuss your childhood. Much of what we do as adults is realted to our childhood.
  • Do an activity that is not related to your business and will help you feel better as a person.
  • Ask your friends to write down a few of your qualities they like.

There are many things that are not related to business at all that can help you when it comes to running your business. The important thing is that you cannot let your confidence decide for you. Take a step further, it will feel so much better then and the next time it won’t be as hard as the first time. Believe me, I’ve been there and so have most online business owners. You need to push past your confidence and just get going.

Remember: If not You, then Who? If not Now, then When?

Has your confidence been deceiving you to take action in your business? How did you overcome it? Share your experience in the comments.

Hey – I’d love to connect with you on Facebook! Come on over for more business wisdom!

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