Frustration and a feeling that all we want to do is to quit. Quite common feelings among entrepreneurs.
When all the “I have to/I should” gets too much our energy seems to fade away. We work so much we start to wonder why we are doing what we do. We loose touch with our initial passion– the reason we started our business in the first hand. Still we don’t quit, at least most of us don’t. We hang onto that dream we had when we started.

So what will it take to reach the success we are dreaming about? How many hours will we have to work on things that seem to have absolutely no return on investment? How many hours have we spent away from our families because we “have important things to do”?
How quickly you reach your success depends on several things; what your meaning of success is, what you are focusing on, your prioritizing, your business and much more.
As a new year approach new chances arise. New opportunities, new energy and a willingness to work towards what we want. We start to dream again….
What about you and your business?
How do you feel? How has 2011 been for you so far? What will 2012 look like? Are you working your business with passion? What do you think it will take to run a successful business that suits your lifestyle?
I want to encourage you to continue, no matter how hard it seems right now. If you really believe in your dream you can make it come true. It will take some hard work but you will eventually get there. Just work smart and keep small goals to help you get there faster.
Free Guide to Help You Plan For Success!
Want to ensure that 2012 becomes a great year for your business? Understanding what truly motivates you and how your mind works will get you closer to your ultimate goal. To help you come a step closer to success I have put together this great guide for you. It will help you create your own Business Journey Map for 2012.
Download your free guide here.
Bonus for you; the guide is rebrandable, which means that you have an opportunity to earn money with it! 🙂 You are signed up as an affiliate already arent’ t you? If not, you can sign up here.
Have a question about how to run your business with passion and efficiency? Come and talk to me here!