Often when I talk to business owners I ask them if they know where there visitors are coming from, more than often they say no. They have no idea where they are coming from or what kind of information they are looking for. If you do not know this you are missing out on a great chance to connect with your target market and give them what they are searching for.
With a smart tool you can easily find out where your visitor is coming from – where was he/she before they came to you? Was it a site that referred to yours or did he/she do a search on the Internet? Studying your statistics will give you plenty of insight as to where they come from and what they think of your content. How long are they staying on your site, how many are using a mobile device? All these are questions that can be answered.
Here’s how to find out more about who’s visiting your website.
Bounce Rates, Return Rates & Length of Stay
Want to know what visitors think of your content? This is it. If a lot of people land on your pages and leave right away, then you’re probably not catching their attention. think about what you can change.
But, if a lot of people land on certain pages and stay for a long period of time, then that probably means that your visitors like your content and want more of the same.
If most of your visitors just visit once and never return, it could either be that they are not interested in what you share or it is not appealing enough. If they return often, then that means they like your content and want to come back for more (it means you are doing something right, just keep it up!).
Using The Right Keywords
This keyword thing can be complicated, but once you understand the basics it will help you see what keywords people type in to get to your site. Ideally you want a garden site to receive visitors interested in gardening and not cooking. Staying close to your topic will help you.
To understand what keywors appeal your target market you can use google Adwords Keywords Tool, just go to Google and type in “Adwords Keywords Tool” and follow the instructions on the site. this is only the beginning but a great way to start. Once you find out what people are searching for you can optimize your own content to attract new visitors.
Two things to look for in your statistic:
Which pages on your site get the most traffic? What is so special about these pages and what did you do to promote them? What can you do again to get a similar and even better effect?
Where are they coming from and how can you build on that? If other sites are sending you traffic regularly, see if you can get in contact with those sites. Is the traffic coming from search engines? See how you can optimize your content further. Finally, if a lot of people are coming from direct type-in traffic, that probably means your offline marketing or branding efforts are working. Find out what is working, then put more time and energy into making it work even better.
Plenty more can be written on this topic but this will get you off to a good start. I use and recommend Google Analytics for your statistic, it will tell you everything you need to know and more! Best thing: it’s free!
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