Are You Ready for the Challenge To Work At Home?

Working at home can seem like the ultimate solution to all problems for many. And many times it is. But sometimes a reality check is needed to make sure you have really thought it all through. Because there will be difficult times, perhaps even times when you say – “I want to go get a J-O-B”
There will be good times and not so good times, the question is: how are you going to deal with it?

Freedom without boundaries – good or bad?
“I want to be my own boss”
“I’m sick and tired of waking up at 6am to commute for an hour before getting into work”
“I’d rather make my own hours”

I’m sure you’ve heard on if not all of the above statements before. It is wonderful to be your own boss, not having to commute and make your own hours. But you might also find yourself with too much freedom.

The result will be that you spend too much time on things that isn’t really helping your new business – taking care of the kids, cleaning, browsing, watching TV, reading, learning, more learning, and on it goes. In the beginning it is only normal to do these things but after a week of learning or fiddling and not making any money it is time to take some action!

You need to watch out or you will find yourself spending time on things that is not helping you but holding your business growth back.

How will you tackle the difficulties ahead?
What will you do when something happens and you have no health insurance or extra money? There will be months when money is tight and other months when money will be plenty. You will need to know how to balance the income and spending.

Think through the pro’s and con’s with your business and work on the pro’ list until it overweighs the con’s list. Talk to your partner about how you will handle the months when money is tight. Have a back up plan for how to tackle difficult situations.

Good planning will create a sense of security and comfort in case anything happens.

Are you ready for the challenge of working at home? Have you thought it all through? Have any questions? Have any advice for the new in the online business field? Please share your experiences in the comments.

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