Are You Taking Charge Of Your Life?

Are You Taking Charge of Your Life?How you choose to look at life is everything. It affects the choices you make and the way your life turns out. Life gives us plenty of choices, we are faced with choices every day. What to wear, where to go, what to eat, who to talk to, if we are sad or happy. At the end of the day what we did with our day was because we made a choice to do so.

Sometimes things outside of our control happen and the only thing we can do is take a deep breath and hope that it will be alright in the end. In the moment of desperation or frustration we don’t see clearly and that affects the choices we make.

The other day I was faced with a situation where I was very frustrated because I had lots of things to do and my son was at home and he was bored. His boredom affected me because he came to me every two minutes and told me he was bored and wanted something to do. I tried to keep him occupied but it simply didn’t work. As my frustration and irritation grew I realized I was in charge of how I handled the situation and I had two options: either try to continue to work and be angry and irritated or simply just turn everything off and be with him. What was more important?

I turned off the computer and took him to the playground. It was lovely, the sun was shining, he was happy and I got a few minutes to breath and calm down. Happy ending.

But it’s not always that easy, sometimes you have deadlines to meet or other things that are really important. But what you need to remember is this: you are in charge of how you feel and how you live your life.  Don’t let feelings of frustration and overwhelm get you down, change it around!

Are you in charge of your life as much as you’d like to? How do you handle difficult situations? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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8 thoughts on “Are You Taking Charge Of Your Life?”

  1. Wonderful post and much needed today because I have a list a mile long today and as I am preparing for my 4 children to wake up, I know I need to be aware of the choices I make today! This is just what I needed to hear, thank you!

    1. Linda

      Glad you found it helpful Chantelle! I hope you are having a fab day with your beautiful children!

  2. What a fantastic post. Thank you so much Linda for sharing your thoughts. I try every day to be as much in charge as possible, but as you write, it can always go the way one think 🙂 If I get overwelmed by frustration or feelings I call one of my friends that can be my “brain” for some minutes and help me think clear. That always helps 🙂


    1. Linda

      thank you Maj! calling a friend is an excellent idea, thanks for sharing! 🙂

  3. Cathy

    Great blog! You are so right, you have total control over how your day goes, regardless of outside disasters, challenges or distractions. Thanks!

    1. Linda

      Thanks for stopping by Cathy. Yes I believe we are in more control than we realize most of the time, we just need to stop for a minute and realize what we are doing and see how we can change it around.

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